No matter what the target specie is, I love to see them at the biggest that they grow. When it comes to giant smallmouth it’s tough to dispute Lake Simcoe in Barrie, Ontario being right at the top of the big fish list.”. Toronto guide (and friend) Taro Murata invited myself and APBASSING (Alex Peric) down for a 3 day smackdown on some world class Smallmouth Bass. The goal was simple try to break the biggest single day bag (5 fish) that we had found documented on youtube. That number was 29.5lbs. I don’t want to ruin all the surprise. Hope you guys enjoy this three part series, “Land of the Giants”.

The Fastest Walleye Fishing In Manitoba?!
Had a great time fishing for Bass and Walleye at Crowduck Lake Camp in Eastern Manitoba. If you’re looking to catch a LOT of fish,